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Life Coach CYA
About Life Coach CYA
Charmaine Augustin holds a Bachelor of Science degree Psychology and has studied Meta physics as she further develops the spiritual side and centeredness of her coaching. She is an Author, Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Certified Life Coach, and Business Owner who resides in Georgia with her husband and their three sons. After working as an Assistant Vice President in Branch Banking in Boston for nearly 10 years and as Marketing Director in Health and Wellness, she decided to find balance and re-evaluate her own life, when she took time off to write her first book “Nine to Five or Something Like That—Finding Work Life Balance and Fulfillment for Women”. She then went back into the workforce as a Bank Manager, a long standing career she has enjoyed now for over 25 years, and along with her speaking engagements, coaching practice, and writing, she continues to balance work/ life effectively. She is the Founder and CEO of Life Coach CYA LLC a coaching and lifestyles company that is foremost about balance in our lives. She enjoys traveling, writing, throwing parties, baking homemade cookies and spending quality time with family and friends. She is a Motivational/ Inspirational Speaker, a member of the Georgia Coach Association, School Council Chairperson, and a featured article writer who finds time to manage their family-run businesses as well. Her second book "Pit Bulls in Lipstick" is a self-help book on women’s empowerment and balance. She is available for speaking engagements and personal life coaching, and can be reached at or by calling (678) 891-9859.